

Reading on Supernote A5x – Is it worth it?

As a long term Supernote user, I think Supernote is giving excessive preeminence to its note taking, not considering, almost at all, reading on the device.

Supernote is just great for taking notes. It’s like, near perfect. But I think most of us us bought it to Take notes and READ. Especially PDF…

The Pdf reading and, especially, ePub reader are just inferior to a lot of E Ink Tablets. Especially

I love my Supernote for writing but as a reader I prefer my Kindle Paperwhite. Mainly because the Kindle is smaller, lighter and has a very relaxing backlight. The Kindle though is useless for reading PDF’s books so for that  Supernote A5X with its bigger screen is a better option.

  • Battery life, while improved, could still be better. The battery life is less when compared to dedicated e Readers
  • Rudimentary PDF formatting and viewing options.
  • Absence of a front light
  • The device is not water proof making it unacceptable for dam environments.
  • The device does not have auto rotate, the inability to read landscape makes reading some PDFs challenging.
  • There is also the inability to split screen for quick not taking and the export of annotations.
  • Outstanding focus on note-taking capabilities even when reading
  • Durable and user-friendly design
  • Kindle app integration gets you the access of your Kindle Books
  • Dedication of Rata as a company to product improvement and customer support.

Display Quality

Supernote’s matte display with a 10.3″ screen and 221 PPI boasts exceptional reflectivity, making it easy on the eyes even in brightly lit environments. Whether you’re reading indoors or outdoors, the screen’s anti-glare properties ensure minimal distractions, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in the content.

The text and images are rendered with remarkable clarity and crispness, thanks to the device’s high pixel density and contrast levels. From small text to intricate images, Supernote delivers an unparalleled reading experience that rivals traditional paperbacks.

Battery Life

One of the key considerations for any avid reader is battery life, and Supernote doesn’t disappoint in this regard. With its efficient power management system, the device offers an impressive runtime, ensuring that you can enjoy hours of uninterrupted reading on a single charge. With an average reading time of 3 hours the device can last you up to two weeks.  

One of the reason for not having a back lit screen is to conserve battery timing. 

Reader Functionality and Navigation

Navigating through your digital library is a breeze with Supernote’s intuitive reader functionality. You can easily flip through pages, bookmark key passages, and make annotations on the fly, enhancing your reading experience with personalized touches.

The in build e Reader provides a decent reading experience.  Supernote A5x only supports ePub, PDF, and Word documents, as well as PNG and JPG image formats. However, you can install the Kindle app on the Supernote to get access to almost all of these reading features.

You can also scribble notes on documents and annotate them. Another advantage that I found and is often overlooked is that weight of Supernote is lesser when compared to other E Ink Tablets, so its more comfortable for prolonged reading sessions.

While the platform may lack some advanced formatting options found in other e-readers, Supernote strikes a balance between simplicity and functionality, catering to the needs of discerning readers.

Future Enhancements and Optimizations

As with any innovative device, Supernote continues to evolve with regular updates and optimizations. While features like a built-in dictionary are currently absent, the manufacturer’s commitment to improvement suggests that future iterations may address such functionalities.

With a unified user experience across its platform and a dedication to user feedback, Supernote is poised to remain a frontrunner in the digital reading landscape.

The Supernote is okay but for annotating technical pdfs, though I personally find a 13.3″ device like the boox tab x to be a better option if your reading is focused on reading PDFs. That extra screen real estate makes a massive difference.

Though the device handles small PDFs effortlessly the issue comes when the PDF file is too large, you feel a considerable lag in the device if the PDF is larger than 200 pages. Furthermore, Linking inside pdfs (and between pdfs)is missing.

Yes you can read Kindle Books on your Supernote. Supernote supports Kindle App which is a great step when compared to devices like reMkarkable. Though, it is slower than a Kindle paper white, not only on Kindle but pdfs and epubs are slow. I know Kindle also does not have that, but is slower than Kindle in even turning pages.

The Kindle app is not great, but I understand they need to use Android version of the app (but in the end, it is annoying especially if you are an avid reader. 

The device is really flexible when it comes to transferring and reading books on your Supernote.  You can plug it in your computer, and it simply shows up in as a USB stick would. Drag and drop and it’s done. Otherwise you can transfer files using the methods below.

  • You can connect your Dropbox account and sync from there
  • You can go to the Supernote cloud webpage, make an account there and upload pdf/epub from there using your computer.
  • There is also a dedicated app to manage your book library, but it’s not the first choice.

In conclusion, Supernote though a great E Ink Tablet for taking notes lacks considerably when it comes to reading. Though it lacks dedicated hardware like a back lit screen or auto rotate, the device has a strong hardware and if the company focuses on the software aspect of the device, the reading experience can get quite better.

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